betulkah duit boleh buat kita bahgia
betulkah orang kaya semua gembira
betulkah duit boleh membeli semua benda di dunia
betulkah duit adalah segalanya
kuatkah hati kita apabila sudah kaya
betulkah kita xlupa asal usul kita
betulkah kita xlupa ibu bapa kita
betulkah kita xlupa pada Nya
berapa % manusia yang lupa diri
dan berapa % manusia yang masih ingat pada Penciptanya
ketika mereka dilimpahi harta dunia
berapa % manusia yang berusaha mengejar dunia dan akhirat
berapa % manusia yang cuma berusaha mengejar dunia
it's so sad becoz
kebahagian dan kegembiraan nicht mehr an der ersten Stelle
it has been replace with money
without u realize
u keep giving excuses when u can't spent time
with the one u love
once said "its better to lose ur pride rather than to lose someone u love"
but its different now
"its better to lose someone u love rather than to lose ur MONEY"
anyway good luck for those guys
and i will always pray that u won't forget Him forever
Tschuss und viel Erfolg
I found this one :Makeup doesn't make you prettier. Money doesn't make you richer. Real wealth and real beauty depends on how you value yourself.
ReplyDeleteIf you are awesome enough, you don’t need to chase the money. Instead, the money will chase you. Stop focusing yourself on chasing money and focusing yourself on being awesome instead.