A pessimist sees a difficulty in every opportunity An optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty

Friday, May 20


student life memang tak boleh lari dari word EXAM
sangat lah tak suka
sapa kata only Malaysia, country yang exam oriented
cni pon sama juga

the problem is
org teringin nak ada study week macam budak2 U
x pernah rasa study week
esok nak exam,, ari ni still ada kelas
buhsan sungguh

so org dengan bangga nya, membuat study week sendiri 
das heisst (ponteng)
oppsss sowie mama abah

rasa sangat lah malas nak belajar
because not all the things that we learn, we understand
and we can actually answer the questions
but not in a perfect german
lecturer ni,, bertimbang rase lah sikit
aacept jew lah sikit2 word english tu
(tak lah sikit, banyak je word yang kami englishkan)

benda yg sangat terpelik sekali
gila... chemistry dah la banyak term
dia nk suruh kami oral 
tulis pon belom tentu betol
apatah lagi nk cakap
lecturer chemist kami x memberangsangkan
always said "ihre Deutsch sind sehr schlecht"
= bahasa german kamu sangat teruk

anyway wish me best of luck
i'll try my best
and fight the mood
yang semenjak dua menjak ni terumbang ambing
exam ni wajib lepas
kalau tidak,, selamat tinggal germany,,huhu

I know it seems hard sometimes
but remember one thing
through every dark night, there's a bright day after that.
So no matter how hard it gets
keep your chest out, keep your head up and handle it

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