A pessimist sees a difficulty in every opportunity An optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty

Friday, January 3

Berlin, Germany Tours

Berlin is the capital city of Germany. Berlin is Germany's largest city. Berlin is also a city full with Nazi's Histories.
So first thing is public transport in Berlin. In Berlin they have all. I repeat they have all kind of public transports. U-Bahn, S-Bahn, Tram and Bus. And the lines are very complicated but they are perfect. Every tourist attraction can be reached with public transport.  
There are a lot of tourist attractions in Berlin and its not within walking distance. They scatter all around Berlin. So public transport is a must to go from one tourist attraction to another. We bought one day ticket with price 6.70 euro. It's easy, we can just hop on hop off all public transport.

So first thing we did in Berlin was enjoying
"The Christmas Market"
  Normally every city has one Christmas Market. It starts end November until Christmas, but in Berlin they got a lot of Christmas Markets.

Second tourist attraction is
"Brandenburg Gate"
The Brandenburger Tor is a monumental gate built in the eighteenth century as a symbol of peace. During the Cold War, when the gate was located right near the border between East and West Berlin, it became a symbol of a divided city. Ok our faces are quite bigger than branderburger Tor but its ok u can find brandenburger Tor in google. Haha

Third is
"Berlin Wall"
The Berlin Wall, which separated the city in an eastern and western part, was the symbol of the Cold War. At first the Berlin Wall had a length of 155km. But most of the Berlin Wall has been demolished since the border between East and West Berlin opened in 1989. So now the most famous one is the 1316 m long East Side Gallery

Fourth is
"Reichstag Glass Dome"

This is the Parliament of Germany.  When you enter the building, they will give u an audio guide available in various language. So we of course didn't chose German haha, and we decided to have the English one. The audio guide will guide us to look at the Buildings all around Berlin. The amazing part is the main hall of the parliament below can be seen from inside the dome. Tourist can still enter the building even though there has a parliament sitting on that day. That means citizen can have a look on how their ministers and their representatives behave in parliament. Superb! 

Fifth is
"Berliner Dom"
The biggest and beautiful church in Berlin. We didn't enter the church. We had enough of church. Too many churches here. Ceh kalau church boleh cakap, they also gonna say we had enough of u, always make us as the background photos haha

Sixth is
"Checkpoint Charlie"
Checkpoint Charlie was the name given by the Western Allies to the best-known Berlin Wall crossing point between East Berlin and West Berlin during the Cold War. Here you can get around six different type of stamps on your passport. Six stamps for five euros, then they will explain one by one about the stamps. But but but i just knew that those stamps can invalidate our passport. So if you want the stamps, don't give your passport but take a paper there which look like a passport and get the stamps. Luckily i didn't bring my passport =)

Seventh is
"Holocaust Memorial"
On the 60th anniversary of the fall of the Nazi regime and the end of World War II, the city of Berlin dedicated their Holocaust Memorial, designed to commemorate the murder of six million Jews at the hands of Hitler and his forces. My friend said u can't step on it, we have to respect it and i actually believed it n didn't step on it until i suddenly saw someone step on it and taking picture. OMG i was beeing fooled. Sabar je lah.

Eight is
"Berliner Fernseherturm"
The Fernsehturm is a Television Tower. With its height of 368 meters, it is the tallest structure in Germany.

Ninth is
"Sony Center"
Dekat sini yang cantiknya is lampu nya, So make sure kene datang waktu malam.

Tenth is
" Designer Outlet Berlin"
With more than 100 designer brands in over 80 stores, cafes and restaurants with price reductions of up to 70%, all year round on a mix of premium and designer brands including Hugo Boss, adidas, Belstaff, Desigual, Lacoste, René Lezard, Tommy Hilfiger and Escada ext. 

Eleventh is
Bear ni simbol Berlin. Why? Because its BER (Bear) Berlin. That's what we assume haha and its logic right. But when i google, there's no such thing but still we think our assumption is correct. Logik sangat haha. 

Twelfth is

Thirteenth is
"Old Museum Berlin"

Last but not least is
"Checkpoint Mini Berlin"

So so so there are a lot of tourist attractions in Berlin. Sebelum ni kalau orang nak datang Germany saya selalu kata xpayah datang lah bukan ada apa menarik pon. But now, saya akan kata dengan confident nya, pergi Berlin menarik and banyak attraction.

"Do they not travel through the earth and see what was the End of those before them? They were more numerous than these and superior in strength and in the traces (they have left) in the land: Yet all that they accomplished was of no profit to them."

"Selain dari itu, tidakkah mereka telah berjalan dan mengembara di muka bumi, dengan itu tidakkah mereka memerhatikan bagaimana kesudahan orang-orang yang terdahulu dari mereka (yang telah dibinasakan dengan sebab dosa-dosanya)? Orang-orang itu lebih ramai dari mereka, dan lebih dari mereka tentang kekuatan tenaga dan tentang kesan-kesan usaha pembangunan di muka bumi. Dalam pada itu, apa yang telah diusahakan oleh orang- orang itu, tidak dapat menolongnya sedikitpun."


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